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How We Serve our patients

What we do

AM Health Management

Navigating complex chronic conditions can feel overwhelming. At AM Health Management, we believe you deserve personalized care that empowers you to thrive. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of services, designed to address your unique needs and support you on your journey to better health.


Chronic Care Management

AM Health Management’s tailored CCM program ensures personalized care plans and continuous support for patients dealing with chronic health conditions, enhancing their well-being and health outcomes.


Remote Patient Monitoring

Using cutting-edge technology, AM Health Management monitors patients remotely, collecting real-time health data to provide proactive and precise care, minimizing hospital visits and optimizing health management.

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Behavioral Health Integration

AM Health Management’s integrated approach combines physical and behavioral health services, offering comprehensive care to address mental health conditions alongside primary care, promoting holistic well-being.

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Community Health Integration

By partnering with local communities, AM Health Management develops initiatives that focus on preventive care, education, and resources, fostering healthier lifestyles and strengthening community health.


Social Determinants of Health Assessment

AM Health Management conducts comprehensive social and environmental assessments, allowing for customized strategies to improve overall health outcomes.


Advanced Care Planning

AM Health Management’s specialized planning services enable individuals to make informed decisions about their future healthcare preferences, ensuring their wishes are understood and respected during critical times.


Care Management

AM Health Management’s dedicated care management team coordinates and oversees personalized care plans, providing guidance and support to patients and their families, optimizing their health journey.


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