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Social Determinants of Health Assessment

SDOH refers to the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age that can impact their health outcomes. 



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Social Determinants of Health Assessment

AM Health Management performs thorough assessments, meticulously examining social and environmental factors that intricately impact health outcomes. These assessments are meticulously designed for healthcare providers, enabling the formulation of tailored strategies to address the nuances of these determinants.

By delving into various social, economic, and environmental factors that intricately shape an individual’s health and well-being, our approach equips healthcare professionals with valuable insights for improved patient care and outcomes.


Key components and aspects of an SDOH assessment include:

  • Identification of Factors: This assessment identifies various social determinants that can affect health, including socioeconomic status, education level, employment conditions, access to healthcare, housing stability, social support networks, neighborhood environment, and cultural factors.


  • Understanding Impact on Health: SDOH assessments recognize that these social factors can significantly impact a person’s health outcomes and access to healthcare services. For instance, individuals with limited access to stable housing or nutritious food may experience poorer health outcomes.


  • Holistic Approach: SDOH assessments take a holistic view of an individual’s life circumstances, understanding that health is influenced by a complex interplay of social, economic, and environmental factors beyond just medical conditions.


  • Risk Identification and Intervention: By identifying specific social determinants that may pose risks to an individual’s health, healthcare providers can intervene proactively. This might involve connecting patients to community resources, support services, or programs that address identified social needs.


  • Customized Care Plans: Assessments inform the development of personalized care plans that not only address medical conditions but also consider the social determinants affecting a patient’s ability to manage their health effectively.


  • Promoting Health Equity: SDOH assessments aim to address health disparities by recognizing and mitigating factors contributing to unequal health outcomes among different populations.


  • Community Collaboration: Health systems and community organizations often collaborate to address identified social determinants collectively. This collaboration strengthens community-based solutions and improves health outcomes for the population.

SDOH assessments are critical in understanding and addressing the root causes of health disparities. By recognizing the impact of social, economic, and environmental factors on health, healthcare providers can develop more comprehensive strategies to improve overall health outcomes and promote health equity within communities.