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Advanced Care Planning

ACP is a proactive and ongoing process that allows individuals to outline their preferences and decisions regarding their future healthcare. It involves discussions, documentation, and sharing of healthcare preferences to ensure that an individual’s values and wishes are respected in case they become unable to communicate or make decisions themselves.



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Advanced Care Planning

AM Health Management offers specialized planning services designed to equip healthcare providers with the tools to facilitate informed decision-making regarding patients’ future healthcare preferences. Our approach emphasizes discussions, documentation, and the sharing of healthcare preferences to ensure a comprehensive understanding of patients’ values and wishes.

This proactive strategy ensures that, in critical situations where patients are unable to communicate or decide for themselves, their established healthcare preferences are respected and upheld according to their personalized directives.


Key elements and significance of Advanced Care Planning include:

  • Facilitating Conversations: ACP encourages individuals to have open and honest discussions with their loved ones and healthcare providers about their values, goals, preferences for medical treatment, and end-of-life care.


  • Documentation of Preferences: It involves documenting healthcare preferences in advance directives, such as living wills, healthcare proxies, or durable power of attorney for healthcare. These legal documents guide healthcare decisions when individuals are unable to communicate their wishes.


  • Ensuring Personalized Care: ACP enables individuals to articulate their preferences for medical interventions, life-sustaining treatments, resuscitation, and other healthcare choices based on their values and beliefs. This ensures that care aligns with their wishes.


  • Respecting Autonomy and Dignity: ACP empowers individuals to maintain control over their healthcare decisions, even if they are incapacitated, ensuring that their autonomy and dignity are respected.


  • Reducing Family Conflict: ACP can minimize potential conflicts among family members by clarifying the individual’s healthcare preferences in advance, thus reducing stress and uncertainty during critical times.


  • Supporting Healthcare Providers: Clear directives provided through ACP assist healthcare providers in delivering care that aligns with the individual’s wishes, promoting ethical and patient-centered care.


  • Regular Review and Updates: ACP is not a one-time event; it should be reviewed periodically and updated as circumstances, preferences, or health conditions change.

ACP ensures that individuals’ values and preferences guide their healthcare, especially during times when they are unable to make decisions. By initiating these discussions and documenting preferences in advance, ACP enables individuals to maintain control over their healthcare decisions and ensures that their wishes are respected and honored.